• Thursday 22 July 2021

    Teenager in crisis ?

    2 Timothy 3.2 - For men will be... rebellious to their parents.

    There have always been rebellious children, but this phenomenon has worsened dramatically in recent decades. When I was a child there was little adolescent crisis, but today it "infects" almost all families. The rebellion against parents in our century is even encouraged by governments that pass laws that increasingly undermine parental authority. Some policies will go so far as to say that children belong to the state, not to parents...

    The Bible is clear about the submission of children to parents and the need to "honor" them (Exodus 20.12 and Ephesians 6.1). I think submission becomes more optional when the child has left the parental nest, but honoring is permanent. To honor your parents is to talk about them with respect, whether they are good parents or bad parents. If there is nothing in them that deserves honor, at least avoid "smearing" them.

    As for submission, there are nevertheless some exceptions. Peter reminds us to obey God rather than men (Acts 5:29). To submit to parents is to obey God unless they command us to do something that is contrary to the Word of God. Exception also if they ask us for something that is illegal. Finally we must stand before the face of the Lord if they command us something that strikes our conscience. But even in these cases, a cheeky and derogatory attitude is to be avoided.

    Apart from these few exceptions, as long as I am a child under my parents roof, I must be submissive, for my own well-being. How many young people's lives have been wasted because of the disobedience.

    My beloveds, I would also like to have a thought for spiritual parents. You will find excellent advice from them. Honor such men and women and the Lord will bless you.

    Good reflection.

    Source (Ezekiel 37 Ministries)

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  • Jeudi 22 Juillet 2021

    Adolescent en crise ?

    2 Timothée 3.2 – Car les hommes seront... rebelles à leurs parents.

    Il y a eu de tous temps des enfants rebelles mais ce phénomène s’est profondément aggravé ces dernières décennies. Quand j’étais enfant, la crise d’adolescence existait peu mais aujourd’hui elle « infecte » presque toutes les familles. La rébellion envers les parents, dans notre siècle, est même encouragée par les gouvernements qui établissent des lois qui mettent à mal de plus en plus l’autorité des parents. Certains politiques iront jusqu’à dire que les enfants appartiennent à l’état, pas aux parents...

    La Bible est claire sur la soumission des enfants aux parents et sur le fait qu’il faut les « honorer » (Exode 20.12 et Éphésiens 6.1). Je pense que la soumission devient plus facultative quand l’enfant a quitté le nid parental mais le fait d’honorer est permanent. Honorer ses parents, c’est parler d’eux avec respect, qu’ils soient de bons ou de mauvais parents. S’il n’y a rien qui mérite l’honneur en eux, au moins, éviter de les « salir ».

    Quant à la soumission, il existe néanmoins quelques exceptions. Pierre nous rappelle qu’il faut obéir à Dieu plutôt qu’aux hommes (Actes 5.29). Se soumettre aux parents, c’est obéir à Dieu sauf s’ils nous ordonnent quelque chose qui est contraire à la Parole de Dieu. Exception aussi s’ils nous demandent quelque chose qui est illégal. Enfin il faut se placer devant la face du Seigneur s’ils nous commandent quelque chose qui heurte notre conscience. Mais même dans ces cas de figure, une attitude effrontée et désobligeante est à proscrire.

    Hormis ces quelques exceptions, tant que je suis enfant sous le toit de mes parents, je dois être soumis, pour mon propre bien-être. Combien de vies de jeunes ont été gâchées à cause de l’insoumission.

    Mes bien-aimés, j’aimerais aussi avoir une pensée pour les parents spirituels. Vous trouverez auprès d’eux d’excellents conseils. Honorez de tels hommes et de telles femmes et le Seigneur vous le rendra en bénédictions.

    Bonne réflexion.

    Source (Ézéchiel 37 Ministères)

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  • Wednesday July 21, 2021

    It is a scandal !

    Matthew 18.6 (Dove) - But if someone were an occasion for one of these little ones who believe in me to fall, it would be to his advantage if a millstone was hung around his neck, and he was drowned in the water. bottom of the sea.

    The Lord Jesus warned us that there would be scandals. He also said : "Woe to the man through whom scandal comes ! ”(Matthew 18.7). Let us ask the question : who is this man ? The one who does something scandalous or the one who spreads the scandal ? To be honest, I won't bet on it. Rather, we should put into practice Proverbs 17: 9 : "He who covers up a fault seeks love, and he who recalls it in his speeches divides friends."

    A few years ago, a Christian "commission of inquiry" exposed gray areas in the testimony of a servant of God. Of course, the news had traveled the world. Many people had approached the Lord through this ministry. Imagine the dismay of these "little ones" who were beginning to believe ! Who benefited from this "truth" ? Who is the one by whom the scandal happened ?

    Gandhi said this : "Doubtless I would be a Christian, if Christians were one twenty-four hours a day." In other words, he fully adhered to Christ's message, but the attitude of those who claimed to be Him became an obstacle to his conversion. An Ambassador of Peace like him could not put up with turf wars, ragpickers' quarrels, and the obvious lack of love of those whose duty it was to be the light of the world.

    How many “little ones” have fallen and returned to “the world” because of this phenomenon ? How many times have we heard, "If this is the Church" ? We are far from the example of the Church in Jerusalem, we read this : "No one else dared to approach them near, and yet the people esteemed them very much" (Acts 5:13 - NFC). So, I ask my question again : who is this man, this woman by whom the scandal happens and who scandalize those who begin to believe ?

    Good reflection.

    Source (Ezekiel 37 Ministries)

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  • Tuesday July 20, 2021

    Sting - No sting ?

    Matthew 5:9 - Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God !

    The title of this thought has generated a lot of ink in recent days and is still relevant today.

    It would also seem, in view of social networks, that many Christians have found ONCE MORE the opportunity to argue with other Christians vis-à-vis the attitude to adopt when faced with what is asked.

    We appeal to the prophets who are silent and we would like them to answer us but when they have spoken for the past months and years, have we listened to them ?

    Should we not, as children of God, be people who reflect, meditate, listen to God for themselves.

    In our verse for the day, the Word of God encourages us to bring peace. Peace does not mean that there are not things that must be said but is it the time of the dispute or is it a time to assess where we are vis-à-vis God, vis-à-vis what He asks us to do or not to do ? A time to review our priorities. A time to respect our commitments.

    You find it normal that we find the time to watch and listen to tons of things on the title of the day and that we no longer find the time to meditate on the Word of God, to work for the advancement of the Kingdom of God, to encourage our brothers and sisters... It is still possible today to pull ourselves together, tomorrow it may be too late.

    I pray that God will enlighten each of our hearts and that we become peacemakers.

    Good reflection.

    Source (Ezekiel 37 Ministries)

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  • Mardi 20 Juillet 2021

    Piqûre - Pas piqûre ?

    Matthieu 5.9 – Heureux ceux qui procurent la paix, car ils seront appelés fils de Dieu !

    Le titre de cette pensée a fait couler beaucoup d’encre ces jours derniers et est toujours d’actualité.

    Il semblerait d’ailleurs, au vu des réseaux sociaux, que de nombreux chrétiens aient trouvé UNE FOIS DE PLUS l’occasion de se disputer avec d’autres chrétiens vis-à-vis de l’attitude à adopter face à ce qui est demandé.

    On en appelle aux prophètes qui se taisent et on voudrait qu’ils nous répondent mais quand ils ont parlé les mois et années passés, les avons-nous écoutés ?

    Ne devrions-nous pas, en tant qu’enfant de Dieu, être des personnes qui réfléchissent, méditent, écoutent Dieu par elles-mêmes.

    Dans notre verset du jour, la Parole de Dieu nous encourage à procurer la paix. La paix ne veut pas dire qu’il n’y a pas des choses qui doivent être dites mais est-ce le temps de la dispute ou est-ce un temps pour évaluer où nous en sommes vis-à-vis de Dieu, vis-à-vis de ce qu’Il nous demande de faire ou de ne pas faire ? Un temps pour revoir nos priorités. Un temps pour respecter nos engagements.

    Vous trouvez normal que nous trouvions le temps de visionner et d’écouter des tonnes de choses sur le titre du jour et que nous ne trouvions plus le temps de méditer la Parole de Dieu, d’œuvrer pour l’avancement du Royaume de Dieu, d’encourager nos frères et sœurs… Il est encore possible aujourd’hui de nous ressaisir, demain, il sera peut-être trop tard.

    Je prie que Dieu éclaire chacun de nos cœurs et que nous devenions des personnes qui procurent la paix.

    Bonne réflexion.

    Source (Ézéchiel 37 Ministères)

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  • Monday July 19, 2021

    My grace is enough for you !

    2 Corinthians 12.9 - And he said to me : "My grace is sufficient for you...".

    Have you ever received a response like this from God ? Yet there is such a force in these four words. This truth is powerful enough to help us through all the valleys of tears in life, where we doubt God's love for us, when everything goes awry and heaven seems closed to our pleas.

    When he received this response, Paul was in pain and desperately seeking help from his God. The Lord reminds him that he has His favor, that nothing will be able to separate him from this grace which he announces to others. A reminder also of where Paul was taken : a religious extremist breathing threat and murder, blinded by uncontrollable hatred, persecuting the One He wanted to please, a terrorist in today's parlance ! A reminder of his forgiveness and all the blessings that have come from it. Humanly speaking, what could such a man hope for from God if He was not Love ?

    “My grace is sufficient for you. Nothing should be added to it. If you probe it, scrutinize it, study it, review it again and again in your heart, you will see that with it I have given you everything". If it is sufficient for Paul, it is also for us. The favor that God shows us is more than enough to keep us on our feet, but perhaps we have not "fed" enough on this grace. Maybe we have "forgotten" to make it the subject of our daily meditation !

    There is a why to this response from God : "For My power is fulfilled in weakness." My beloved, when we feel weak and helpless, this is where we will experience all the power of God ! It's not when we feel up to it, when we lean on our own strength, when we take matters into our own hands, that we will experience this power, but it is only when we are completely emptied of ourselves- same, a "little nothing" so dependent on his heavenly Daddy.

    Faced with all the challenges that await us today, let us go over these four words in our hearts : “My grace is sufficient for you !".

    Good reflection.

    Source (Ezekiel 37 Ministries)

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  • Lundi 19 Juillet 2021

    Ma grâce te suffit !

    2 Corinthiens 12.9 – Et il m’a dit : « Ma grâce te suffit… ».

    Avez-vous déjà reçu une réponse de ce style de la part de Dieu ? Pourtant, il y a une telle force dans ces quatre mots. Cette vérité est suffisamment puissante pour nous aider à traverser toutes les vallées de larmes de la vie, là où nous doutons de l’amour de Dieu pour nous, quand tout va de travers et que le ciel semble fermé à nos supplications.

    Quand il a reçu cette réponse, Paul souffrait et cherchait désespérément du secours auprès de son Dieu. Le Seigneur lui rappelle qu’il a Sa faveur, que rien ne pourra le séparer de cette grâce qu’il annonce aux autres. Rappel aussi d’où Paul a été tiré : un extrémiste religieux respirant la menace et le meurtre, aveuglé par une haine incontrôlable, persécutant Celui à qui Il voulait plaire, un terroriste dans le langage actuel ! Rappel du pardon dont il a fait l’objet et de toutes les bénédictions qui en ont découlé. Humainement parlant, qu’est-ce qu’un tel homme pouvait espérer de Dieu si Celui-ci n’était pas Amour ?

    « Ma grâce est suffisante pour toi. Il ne faut rien y ajouter. Si tu la sondes, la scrutes, l’étudies, la repasses encore et encore dans ton cœur, tu verras qu’avec elle Je t’ai tout donné ». Si elle est suffisante pour Paul, elle l’est aussi pour nous. La faveur que Dieu nous témoigne est amplement suffisante pour nous maintenir debout, mais peut-être que nous ne nous sommes pas assez « nourris » de cette grâce. Peut-être que nous avons « oublié » d’en faire le sujet de notre méditation quotidienne !

    Il y a un pourquoi à cette réponse de Dieu : « Car Ma puissance s’accomplit dans la faiblesse ». Mes bien-aimés, quand nous nous sentons faibles et désarmés, c’est là que nous allons expérimenter toute la puissance de Dieu ! Ce n’est pas quand nous nous sentons à la hauteur, quand nous nous appuyons sur notre propre force, quand nous prenons les choses en main, que nous allons vivre cette puissance, mais c’est seulement quand nous serons complètement vidés de nous-mêmes, un « petit rien » tellement dépendant de son Papa céleste.

    Devant tous les défis qui nous attendent en cette journée, repassons ces quatre mots dans notre cœur : « Ma grâce te suffit ! ».

    Bonne réflexion.

    Source (Ézéchiel 37 Ministères)

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  • Sunday July 18, 2021

    No bad words !

    2 Timothy 3.2 - For men will be... blasphemers.

    In the Greek, the word “blasphemers” does not only have the connotation of insulting what is sacred but also of denigrating, insulting, speaking badly against, using slanderous language about God but also about people. men.

    Offensive and filthy words, swearing, insults are commonplace today. It seems that some are unable to line up two sentences in the following without slipping in one of those blasphemous words. Did you know that often dirty talk in someone's mouth is a sign that there is a demonic problem ? However, this kind of language saddens the Holy Spirit (compare Ephesians 4:30 and 5:4) ! Often the first sign of a sincere conversion is precisely a big change in the way of expressing oneself.

    More common among children of God, it is the habit of speaking badly against so-and-so. There is so much backbiting in the house of God. Backbiting is a real cancer that deeply hinders the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Jacques was so clear on this subject, I invite you to reread chapter 3 of his epistle. In verse 10 he says in substance : “Out of the same mouth go forth blessing and curse. It is not necessary, my brethren, that it be so" (James 3:10).

    We must take this warning seriously. Our words can condemn us (Matthew 12:37) ! There will be accountability for every bad word, every word of curse, every word inspired by the desire to harm... that we have spoken !

    My beloved, let us clean our mouths, ask God to put a guard there (Psalms 141.3), let us know how to humble ourselves for all the times when we have spoken badly against someone and let us never again be an ear for this kind of thing. about.

    Good reflection.

    Source (Ezekiel 37 Ministries)

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  • Dimanche 18 Juillet 2021

    Aucune parole mauvaise !

    2 Timothée 3.2 – Car les hommes seront... blasphémateurs.

    Dans le grec, le mot « blasphémateurs » n’a pas seulement la connotation d’injurier ce qui est sacré mais aussi de dénigrer, d’injurier, de parler mal contre, d’utiliser un langage calomnieux à propos de Dieu mais aussi des hommes.

    Les propos injurieux et orduriers, les jurons, les insultes sont monnaie courante aujourd’hui. Il semble que certains soient incapables d’aligner deux phrases en suivant sans y glisser un de ces mots blasphématoires. Savez-vous que souvent les propos orduriers dans la bouche de quelqu’un sont signe qu’il existe un problème démoniaque ? Quoi qu’il en soit, ce genre de langage attriste le Saint-Esprit (comparez Éphésiens 4.30 et 5.4) ! Souvent le premier signe d’une conversion sincère c’est justement un grand changement dans la façon de s’exprimer.

    Plus courant chez les enfants de Dieu, c’est l’habitude de parler mal contre untel ou untelle. Il existe tant de médisances dans la maison de Dieu. La médisance est un véritable cancer qui handicape profondément l’avancement du Royaume de Dieu. Jacques était tellement clair à ce sujet, je vous invite à relire le chapitre 3 de son épître. Au verset 10, il dit en substance : « De la même bouche sortent la bénédiction et la malédiction. Il ne faut pas, mes frères, qu’il en soit ainsi » (Jacques 3.10).

    Nous devons prendre cet avertissement au sérieux. Nos paroles peuvent nous condamner (Matthieu 12.37) ! Il y aura des comptes à rendre pour chaque parole mauvaise, chaque parole de malédiction, chaque parole inspirée par le désir de nuire... que nous aurons prononcées !

    Mes bien-aimés, nettoyons notre bouche, demandons à Dieu d’y mettre une garde (Psaumes 141.3), sachons nous humilier pour toutes les fois où nous avons parlé mal contre quelqu’un et ne soyons plus jamais une oreille pour ce genre de propos.

    Bonne réflexion.

    Source (Ézéchiel 37 Ministères)

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  • Saturday July 17, 2021

    The Dunamis logos !

    1 Corinthians 1.18 - The message of the cross is an aberration for those who are lost, but for us who are saved : it is the power of God.

    This verse probably upsets our conception of the message of the cross ! We believe that preaching the cross of Christ is an evangelistic message. So we excluded him from our meetings with the faithful, believing that he does not build the church. However, if I understand the Word of God correctly, the message of the cross contains the power of God for us who are saved !

    How many of us pray for more power, more anointing, more charisms, more spiritual authority, more... And we offer ourselves the luxury of putting aside the “logos” that will trigger the “dunamis” " of God. Now, we really need that power of God to bring the lost to repentance. The world doesn't need a religion, no matter how pretty, it needs the Church to demonstrate the power of the cross.

    What is wrong with us, my beloved ? We have not understood the full potential of the work of the cross ! We stopped at a few basics like salvation that saves us from hell. We have neglected to proclaim justification, sanctification, healing, victory over sin, victory over the devil, liberation from the Law and the curse, the power of transformation... and so many others that are the consequences of the resounding victory of the seed of the woman (Jesus) who crushed the head of the serpent (the devil - Genesis 3:15).

    My beloved, if we want to see a reform of the Church of Jesus Christ, and it is urgent, it is essential that we return to a full understanding of ALL the message of the cross. Let us realize that all of history converges on that unique moment when the Father and the Son were separated : the cross. If we have to give a year zero to our calendar, this is it because there is one before the cross and one after the cross.

    Everyone agrees that we are at the end of time. One thing is certain, it is that the Elijah who is to precede the Lord will loudly proclaim the message of the first church : Christ crucified, power of God for those who believe !

    Good reflection.

    Source (Ezekiel 37 Ministries)

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