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The Bible still relevant

Thursday September 9, 2021

The Bible still relevant

It contains love stories, intrigues and sagas, poetry and words of wisdom, rules and prophecies. She ? The Bible. Today, even without ads, it remains the best-selling and translated book in the world.

Times change but the Bible remains current

Always relevant because if times change, the basic needs of human beings do not change, especially the needs for meaning, values ​​and peace. Catherine, 43, testifies : “One morning, I had to go to a specialist doctor for an important check-up. I got up completely distressed. I was really scared ! While praying, “Jesus, speak to me this morning, I am expecting you,” I walked to my Bible calendar. The saying of the day was : “Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not look around worriedly, for I am your God ”. Which answer !".

In addition, the biblical text is very lucid about the human condition : it acts like a mirror by referring us to ourselves.

Its history is extraordinary

Written over more than a thousand years by some 40 writers, most of whom have never met, the Bible carries the message of love and the story of God’s plan to save mankind. Even before the invention of the printing press, it has survived the centuries without being distorted. Despite increasingly fierce criticism since the Enlightenment (Voltaire claimed that it would not be read a century after him), it remains the undisputed bestseller, translated into more than two thousand languages.

She transforms people

The Bible sets in motion, inspires vocations and transforms lives and cultures, through its moral, social and spiritual principles. Millions of people experience reading it as a real encounter with the one who inspired it. Henry Dunant, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa and many others put it into practice and influenced society in lasting ways. Even an agnostic reader like AJ Jacobs, who followed the Bible as literally as possible for a year in order to understand believers, admitted that the Bible had made him better (The Year I Lived According to the Bible, Ed. J. Chambon).

There are many who have found support, refuge in her. Hostage of the Hezbollah for 320 days in 1987, the journalist Roger Auque said : “The kidnappers agreed to leave me a Bible. I memorized about ten Psalms in English that I liked very much. My captivity was necessary for me to realize that God is my rock, as the Psalm says.”

His message is accessible to everyone

“While children understand and appreciate the stories of the Bible, scholars of all times admire the depth of his thought,” noted Bible commentator John Alexander. There are many versions of the Bible. It's up to you to find the one that matches your faith, your use (daily reading, study) and your reading habits. In 2008, the Bible "at the price of a coffee", sold in bookstores and in certain supermarkets in France, and in Europe met with great success : to date, several million copies have been sold. The Bible was also adapted into a comic book, and a popular manga version has even emerged today.

It’s back to school and maybe it’s time to make a reading plan. She will be an inexhaustible source of inspiration and support for you. Good reading !

Sandrine Roulet

Source (Christian Info)

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