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You can defeast your giant !

Friday April 30, 2021 You can defeat your giant ! “Victory belongs to the Lord, and he delivers you into our hand.” 1 Samuel 17:47 One day a soldier accused of having fled from the enemy was brought before Alexander the Great. Alexander asked him : "What...

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Vous pouvez vaincre votre géant !

Vendredi 30 Avril 2021 Vous pouvez vaincre votre géant ! “La victoire appartient a l'Éternel et il vous livre entre nos mains.” 1 Samuel 17.47 Un jour on amena devant Alexandre le Grand un soldat accusé d’avoir fui devant l’ennemi. Alexandre lui demanda...

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A shepherd's story !

A shepherd's story !

Friday April 30, 2021 A shepherd's story ! Luke 15: 4 - What man of you... A simple definition of the word shepherd, or pastor, would be this : someone who takes care of sheep ! Our first shepherd takes good care of 99% of his flock. He looks after them,...

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Friday April 30, 2021 Tick-tock Redeeming the time. Colossians 4.5 I was invited to a friend's house in a beautiful part of Sweden. Their chalet was a rustic building, equipped with all modern comforts necessary to ensure a pleasant stay. My bed was on...

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Vendredi 30 Avril 2021 Tic-tac Rachetez le temps. Colossiens 4.5 J’étais invité chez des amis, dans une belle région de Suède. Leur chalet était un bâtiment rustique, équipé de tout le confort moderne nécessaire pour assurer un agréable séjour. Mon lit...

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Before the foundation of the world (3)

Friday April 30, 2021 In him God elected us before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before him. Ephesians 1. 4 Jesus... can perfectly save those who draw near to God through him. Hebrews 7. 22, 25 Before the foundation...

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Avant la fondation du monde (3)

Vendredi 30 Avril 2021 En lui Dieu nous a élus avant la fondation du monde, pour que nous soyons saints et irréprochables devant lui. Éphésiens 1. 4 Jésus... peut sauver parfaitement ceux qui s'approchent de Dieu à travers lui. Hébreux 7. 22, 25 Avant...

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The victories of Jesus (2)

Friday April 30, 2021 The victories of Jesus (2) Since these children have the human condition in common, he (Jesus) also shared it, in a similar way. Thus, by his death, he was able to render impotent the one who wielded the power of death, that is to...

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Les victoires de Jésus (2)

Vendredi 30 Avril 2021 Les victoires de Jésus (2) Puisque ces enfants ont en commun la condition humaine, lui-même (Jésus) l'a aussi partagée, de façon similaire. Ainsi, par sa mort, il a pu rendre impuissant celui qui exerçait le pouvoir de la mort,...

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What if you had become a dog ?

Friday April 30, 2021 What if you had to become a dog ? And the Word became men, she dwelt among us, full of grace and truth, and we beheld her glory, a glory like that of the Only Begotten from the Father. John 1.14 Here is what famous author CS Lewis...

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