• A continuous process

    The blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, continually cleanses me from all sin.


    Purification is one of the things that the blood of Jesus provides.

    "But if we walk in the light, as he [Jesus] is himself in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin." (1 John 1: 7)

    In this verse we see three verbs conjugated to the present : to walk, to be (in communion), to purify. It must be noted. If we continue to walk in the light, we continue to be in communion with each other and the blood of Jesus continues to purify us.

    It is very important to know that all this is conditional. If we continue to walk in the light of the word of God, obeying what he says, the first result is that we will be in communion with one another. If we do not walk in the light, we have no communion. And if we do not have communion, we do not walk in the light. But if we walk in the light and are in communion with each other, then the blood of Jesus keeps us continually clean.

    Prayer of the day :

    Thank you Lord for the blood of Jesus. I proclaim that I continue to walk in the light, to be in communion with other believers and to receive the cleansing of my sins. The blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, continually cleanses me from all sin. Amen.

    Derek Prince

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