• God does not lie !

    Good reading and good listening on CJQS, your Radio Gospel at this address : http://cjqsradio.blogspot.be/p/radio.html Come numerous bless you the ears with the listening of this beautiful radio and do not forget the new player with his app at this address : http://onlineradiobox.com/ca/cjqs/?cs=ca.cjqs&played=1 to install the application on your mobile phone and take your radio CJQS anywhere. Be blessed.

    "God is not a man to lie, nor a man's son to repent, and what he has said will he not do, and what he has declared will not be executed He not? " Numbers 23.19


    At the age of six, I spent my holidays with my uncle. He was chief of the station at Montmédy in the Meuse. His house was in front of a horse-dealer, and I spent my days watching these horses.
    God will never disappoint us. It does not retract.

    One day my uncle told me he was going to buy me a horse! I believed him on my word, and every night I fell asleep, thinking of the magnificent horse I was going to have.

    Towards the end of my stay, he asked me to accompany him to buy it. He went to talk in the merchant's office and went out and said, "That's it, you're going to have a horse!" I kissed him with all my heart, recognizing how good this uncle was to me! I no longer held up telling all the people I met: "My uncle bought me a horse!"

    Alas, my uncle had lied to me. I've never had a horse!

    Later I noticed that my uncle had a strong enough inclination for alcohol, and that he was not the hero as I thought at the age of six.

    He had disappointed me that year. He had not kept his promises, and my childish heart was very sad.

    Our heavenly father, fortunately, does not play with our emotions and even less with our feelings. He does not change his mind overnight. When he says something, he keeps his word.
    "... it is impossible for God to lie" (Hebrews 6:18). It is an important truth that must be engraved in our hearts so that we never forget it.

    Life is often difficult. There are situations which we do not master and which are likely to disappoint us. However, in the midst of these uncertainties, one truth remains: God, he will never disappoint us. It does not retract. What he promises he accomplishes.

    "Make thy delight unto the LORD, and he will give thee what thy heart desireth: commend thine lot unto the LORD, trust him, and he shall do." Psalms 37: 4-5

    A prayer for today

    Lord, you have never disappointed me. I want to put all my trust in you.

    Jean Louis Gaillard

    Source (The Thought of the Day)

    « Dieu ne ment pas !Psalm 94.14 bye Glory Lbg »
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