• Peter, a faithul and encouraging author

    Good reading and good listening on CJQS, your Radio Gospel at this address : http://cjqsradio.blogspot.be/p/radio.html and do not forget the emission Force Gospel at 16 h at Quebec, 22 h in Europe or 00 h 00 in Africa. Come numerous bless you the ears with the listening of this emission here you hear of very beautiful pieces chosen in english in french and do not forget the new player with his app at this address : http://onlineradiobox.com/ca/cjqs/?cs=ca.cjqs&played=1 to instal the application on your mobile phone and take your radio CJQS anywhere. Be blessed.

    "Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who live as strangers in Dispersion ... grace and peace be multiplied to you !" 1 Peter 1. 1, 2

    Peter is familiar to us by reading the Gospels and the book of Acts. We love his company, because his clumsiness and his misplaced statements reported in the Gospels make him close. Although he is often taken back, he remains attached to the Master.
    We readily accept the teachings and encouragement of such a servant who has come to the end of his life. After his denial, he remembered the words of the Master : "When you return, strengthen your brothers" (Luke 22:32).
    He has experienced the solicitude of his Lord and, while Christians are prey to persecution, he encourages them to stand firm. He tells them what it took him to understand the necessity of the death of Christ : "You have been redeemed from your vain conduct ... through the precious blood of Christ" (1 Pet. 1:18, 19) . This disciple believed with his Jewish contemporaries in the coming of the Messiah on earth. He now realizes that glory is to come, and that this is the time of the formation of the Church.
    Peter perfectly understood the message Jesus gave him : "I tell you that you are Peter (a stone) ; And on this rock (that is, your declaration, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God") ... I will build my congregation "(Matthew 16:18). Indeed, in his Epistle he writes : "As you approach [the Lord], a living stone, rejected by men, but chosen and precious to God, you also, as living stones, are built into a spiritual house." 1, pp. 2, 4, 5). In taking up the same images, Peter clearly distinguishes the foundation, which is Christ, of the stones assembled in the course of time, which represent the believers in their variety, itself being only one stone among the others.
    Thus Peter transmitted to us faithfully and with affection the message he received from the Master. He may have taken a long time to understand it, but he accepted it and we benefit from his experience.
    Source (Please the Lord)

    « Pierre, un auteur fidèle et encourageant Un cadeau venu du ciel, un très beau texte à lire jusqu'au bout »
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