• Sting - No sting ?

    Tuesday July 20, 2021

    Sting - No sting ?

    Matthew 5:9 - Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God !

    The title of this thought has generated a lot of ink in recent days and is still relevant today.

    It would also seem, in view of social networks, that many Christians have found ONCE MORE the opportunity to argue with other Christians vis-à-vis the attitude to adopt when faced with what is asked.

    We appeal to the prophets who are silent and we would like them to answer us but when they have spoken for the past months and years, have we listened to them ?

    Should we not, as children of God, be people who reflect, meditate, listen to God for themselves.

    In our verse for the day, the Word of God encourages us to bring peace. Peace does not mean that there are not things that must be said but is it the time of the dispute or is it a time to assess where we are vis-à-vis God, vis-à-vis what He asks us to do or not to do ? A time to review our priorities. A time to respect our commitments.

    You find it normal that we find the time to watch and listen to tons of things on the title of the day and that we no longer find the time to meditate on the Word of God, to work for the advancement of the Kingdom of God, to encourage our brothers and sisters... It is still possible today to pull ourselves together, tomorrow it may be too late.

    I pray that God will enlighten each of our hearts and that we become peacemakers.

    Good reflection.

    Source (Ezekiel 37 Ministries)

    « Piqûre - Pas piqûre ?Ciel et terre ! (1) »
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